Work package 3 - risk and adaptation ¶

The WP3 consists of four tasks, which pursue the following objectives:
- Assessment of changes in the risk of climate change and changes in society (e.g. population increase). For this purpose, we develop methods to analyse linked hazard events or process chains and determine their risk.
- Understanding with which strategies actors, e.g. communities, adapt to climate change. To this end, we investigate how the participants deal with mass movements or why they have not yet taken any measures.
- Research of the social, institutional and political obstacles that stand in the way of implementing integral risk and resource management.
- Exploring the commonalities or differences in the mental models of different groups of actors and how to create a shared knowledge creation process between these groups of actors.
In the first task (3.1), we develop an instrument with which linked or cascading hazards can be assessed.
The second (3.2) and third task (3.3) focus on the question of how the expected changes in mass movement hazards can be dealt with in the future, with a view to integrated risk and resource management.
In the fourth task (3.4), we explore the question of how mental models, i.e. perception and awareness, differ with regard to alpine mass movement risks, or what commonalities exist between them.
The results will contribute to an improved mutual understanding between different groups of actors regarding the influence of climate change on alpine mass movements and their consequences and thus also form the basis for recommendations on future adaptation measures